Great Prepping List

Great Prepping List

Tonight on the Jars prep net there was a reference made to the following site as being a great reference to prepare for whatever may come your way.

There was an interesting part on there about using sprouted wheat to feed your chickens. Who had their chickens or sprouted wheat ready to go. Harley you need some wheat!



Intermodal Traffic shows bad news acoming!

Intermodal Traffic

The picture below shows the Intermodal Traffic for this year. It does not paint a pretty picture and exhibits the same behavior of 2009. Usually you see it start rising as more and more cars get loaded for delivery of Spring, Summer, Back to School, and finally Christmas. This leads credence to bad news coming and the logistical problems are not just firearms related.

20130412_intermodal traffic

If the railcars are not getting loaded the inventories will be down and prices will go up. Join us this tomorrow night at 9:00 for the weekly Jars Prep net to discuss this and whatever else may be on topic.

Few Good Hams Needed!

Few Good Hams Needed

For anyone that is looking to help spread the world of Amatuer Radio and help out fellow preparedness minded people than Saturday April 13th is your day. JARS is putting on a special demo for the fine Patriots of the Swift Creek Minute Men. Plan on heading to Kenly, NC and KD4WIY himself may talk you in on the Mighty 27 repeater.

This is a great event where there will be Patriots, firearms, Ham Radio, and food all in one place. There is no place better to be on a Saturday. Hope to see you there! Please use our contact form if you have any questions.

Threshing Wheat and other Lost Skills

Threshing Wheat

P1050345-AThere is a great article over at Rural Revolution where they are talking about threshing wheat. Patrice makes a great point about the difference between book knowledge and practical knowledge. I know many of you are experienced Ham operators and familiar with how to communicate. Some of our folks our new Hams and may need some help.

What skills does a new Ham have the you might need to pick up some practical knowledge? We are fortunate to have a large footprint when the mighty 27 is on the big tower and there is a diverse skill set. Here in an hour we are going to have our weekly Emergency Prep net at 9:00 and I encourage you to join in and let us know what lost skill that you may need to learn. Don’t forget to let us know what skill you may be able to share. We all need to get Doug to share his home brew skills, perhaps for more than just consumption.

Goal Zero Portable Solar Charger

Goal Zero Guide 10 portable solar kitThe Goal Zero Guide 10 Plus Adventure Kit comes in a great package. It has a built in indicator that tells you how much juice is left in your batteries. Charging my batteries are also quicker than when plugged into the wall.

I purchased mine from Rocky Mountain Survival and would highly recommend purchasing from them as it was shipped very quick and was a fantastic value. The beautiful thing about Tim’s recommendation is the solid components of this kit.

Goal Zero Guide 10 portable solar kit panelI love how this solar panel is put together. It comes folded up to the size of Kindle 3rd generation. It will fold out to provide panels that can produce up to 7 watts maximum. The ability to charge a battery pack, usb, or cigarette plug is very convenient. It is amazing how to pack that much power in a small form factor.

Goal Zero Guide 10 portable solar kit battery packI probably would have been happy with just the solar panel, but it also has the capability to store the charge into a battery pack. This allows you to harness the energy during the day time and charge your devices at night. Whether you replace batteries or plug directly into the power pack it will provide me exactly what I need. Even when it is charging depending on the color of the light and the blink rate I can tell how dead the batteries were. This is vital information when trying to power devices.

If you are looking for a portable solar kit that can be easily carried, charges batteries, usb, or 12 volt devices than this is the kit for you.