Poison Ivy Treatment


Zanfel was discussed during last Tuesdays net. It’s an over the counter remedy for poison ivy exposure and I’m here to tell you that it works. I, KS4TI have had very good experience with it and if I had poison ivy and didn’t already have Zanfel in the medicine cabinet I would hurry out to find some. It’s available in most CVS and similar stores for about $40 per one ounce tube. That’s a lot of money but I’ve seen Zanfel outperform a visit to the urgent care doc plus the steroids etc that you might be prescribed. Bottom line is I get poison ivy (wife too) and this stuff works for me. Now some speculation….. I’ve seen several references to Mean Green Hand Scrub being nearly identical to Zanfel plus being MUCH less expensive. I have no experience with this but may try it next time. If any others have info on the effectiveness of Mean Green on poison ivy then let us know.

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