Recently on the prepnet someone mentioned visiting,, and I hope these sites will be helpful as we get ready for another great prepnet on the Mighty ’27 this evening.
I am looking forward to hearing about some of the tangible investments that my fellow hams have made in to get ready. If you have not read any of Patrice Lewis’s articles the link on tangible investments is a pretty good one.
Looking forward to hearing all of you at 2100 this evening.
2013 Field Day
It is once upon that time of the year where the ham radio enthusiasts gather to practice their hobby in remote places. There are many things that can be done at field day. No matter where you gather it is certainly time to fellowship with like minded people. The capability and technology is present on display to reach out and touch someone. That is one of the vital skills that is needed in preparedness.
Join us tonight at 2100 on the mighty ’27 repeater to learn more about what the plans are for field day. If you need to know more about field day the arrl has a great page. Chances are very good if you tune in tonight you will hear more about it and where you can participate. Feel free to chime in with your plans or your recent experience in the dark.
Portable Solar Set Up
Just a quick picture to show off a portable solar set up that should get plenty of practice over the next two weeks. I am interested in seeing how this set up could help at field day.
Tonight is our weekly emergency prep net at 2100 on the Mighty 27 repeater. Tune in tonight and discuss your plans for thriving during a two day power outage to a Zombie apocalypse.
Hurricane House
Last week I was mentioning about the Hurricane House. This is the article that I was referencing about the Hurricane notes from different hurricanes. There is some great information about the conditions from a place not to far from us.
It was especially amazing to me to read about them taking a trip to the beach during a lull in the storm. They made mention that water was up to their knees between the village and the beach, which is a 1/2 to 1 1/2 miles depending on the location. Imagine going out during the lull for that. It also mentioned the surf reaching the eaves of the house. That had to be some tall surf.
Tune into tonight at 9:00 PM for the weekly Jars prep net as Hurricane season is almost upon us. What would your plans be if a Hurricane was coming towards your shack?