JARSFest this Sunday

JARSFest This Sunday

Coming soon to the American Legion in Benson JARSFEST this Sunday! Come join in on the fun and be a part of a special hamfest.

Benson American Legion Building
605 North Wall Street
Benson, NC 27504

Sponsored by Johnston Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Sanctioned Hamfest
Talk-In: 147.270+

Flyer with all the details: JARSFest 2013

Tune into the mighty ’27 tonight at 9:00 tonight and tell us how your preparations plans are changing based on the cool weather or the typhoon that hit the Philippines.

Honey Extractor showing the Preparedness way

Honey Extractor

This story is going out to our great net control as the Honey Extractor is a vital tool. Hopefully he has had time to check out his bees and see if he gets any honey this year. This one has a unique story as not only is it affordable they have turned it into part of their preparedness plans.

Not only do they provide a cheap economical way to extract honey I think it is another one of those why did I not think about that routines. What have you got in the book to help supplement your income and perhaps change your lifestyle. It is time to perhaps get the full time job back on the burner so you can pursue your hobbies!

Please plan on tuning in tonight at 9:00 PM on the AK4H repeater as we have our weekly rag chew about preparedness. Whether you enjoy listening on your radio, scanner, or even echolink it is a check in driven net so if you have your technician license or higher feel free to hit the PTT button. If you have not gotten your ticket yet please let us know what we can do to help.

Truckers Strike might delay some goods to the stores!

Truckers Strike

Would you be prepared if the truckers strike is the precursor to widespread shortages? It has become increasingly clear lately that the just in time inventory system has had some issues. One of the popular topics on the preparedness net has been about ammunition. What would happen if some of the other things your life depends on had the same shortage.

While a partial three day shutdown of the trucking industry may not have the crippling effect to the supply chain you never know. The definition of preparedness is the quality or state of being prepared, which in this context means ready for something or in a suitable condition for some purpose or activity. It is important to remember these terms as the reason for this site is because of the weekly Preparedness net on the mighty 27 repeater.

We gather to talk about Preparedness, whether it is for the two day power outage or the Zombie apocalypse. Whether you enjoy listening on your radio, scanner, or even echolink it is a check in driven net so if you have your technician license or higher feel free to hit the PTT button. If you have not gotten your ticket yet please let us know what we can do to help.

Look forward to hearing you tonight at 147.270 Mhz. and letting us know how you are prepared for whatever might come our way.

Government Shutdown proves you need to prepare for yourself

Government Shutdown

As the sun rose this morning people realized the government shutdown was not the end of the world. Things will go on despite the dysfunction that emanates from Washington DC. The reality is that if your plans include Federal or state lands in your preparations there might be a problem.

Ocracoke_Part_2_098Folks waking up along our coast were greeted by Park Rangers telling them how long they had to vacate the property as the government shutdown took effect. There is no doubt that Law Enforcement Rangers will spend their time kicking citizens off the government controlled beaches on the Outer Banks for the duration of the government shutdown.

While the government shutdown continues it is a good time to reflect on an individuals preparations. The licensed ham radio operators already know a thing or two about being prepared. After all the ARES folks remind us that ham radio operators are the communication mechanism when all else fails. There is little doubt in my mind that when something happens I do not want to wait on the government to respond.

fema gvernment shutdownHow will it change your plans? Perhaps you hold out illusions that you will bug out to the nearest wildlife refuge or even the Outer Banks and survive. This government shutdown proves that you may be greeted with an armed resistance. That is pretty much a given depending on the situation, but in what other ways would you need to prepare for an extended government shutdown. Today it may only be the Federal government but those that have read One Second After by William Forstchen will be familiar with the total breakdown of everything but the local government.

How would a Federal and State government shutdown affect you? Tune into the mighty ’27 tonight at 9:00 and tell us how you might adjust your preparations.

Pole Shift Survival is a Great Source of Information

Pole Shift Survival

I apologize in advance as I forgot who brought the Pole Shift Survival site to my attention. It has certainly become a great place for information. Looking for a good search-able pdf about amateur radio antenna design. Guess what they have it. I am pretty certain that you can find information on that site that will be useful.

Hearing information like Pole Shift Survival is just one of the things that you might learn while tuning into the Emergency Preparedness net. I am pretty sure whether you are preparing for a two day power outage or the zombie apocalypse as Doug likes to say you may get useful information there. Tune in tonight on the Mighty ’27 at 2100 and chime in. Looking forward to it already myself.