James Wesley Rawles has one of the best prepper oriented sites I’ve seen. It has tons of info on a variety of subjects and is searchable for past articles. Catch it here:
James Wesley Rawles has one of the best prepper oriented sites I’ve seen. It has tons of info on a variety of subjects and is searchable for past articles. Catch it here:
Hello All! This is my first posting and I hope to follow it with lots more useful and interesting information. The subject of surplus military MREs has been discussed and a shelf or storage life is one of the big grey areas. The info in the link that follows is supposedly from an official US Army source. I’ve seen this same info in other sources. KEEP THIS IN MIND: When buying MRE’s from Flea Market/ Gun Shows etc you don’t know the storage history of the items. If they were stored in hot conditions the remaining storage life may be much, much shorter than you expect.
Doug KS4TI