SOP 303 Has already been used to restrict free speech

Google SOP 303. It’s a way for the government to kill cell networks. Then google SOP 303 and BART. That’s Bay Area Rapid Transit. They shutdown several cell networks in anticipation of a planned protest in 2011. I bet you thought you had the right to peaceably assemble and the right to free speech. Not any more.

Free Emergency Smart Phone App

Check out ReadyNC at your app store. It’s FREE. It looks pretty slick for providing information in an emergency. I’ll be interested to see how the info is updated in real time during emergencies. Try it and let us know what you think.

Looking for another great reason to be prepared?

Reason to be Prepared

whytoprepareThe picture above I think makes quite an impact and adds another reason to be prepared! While most of us would probably not get caught in the bedlam known as Black Friday based on the number of early entrants to the recent Jarsfest we know ham operators will get going early. Where are you at in your preparations? Now is a good time to take stock.

A lot of us have the basics of communication covered already. Some of us have work to do on the emergency communications aspect if the Schumer hits the fan! If someone is willing to get in a fistfight over a television on sale at a local Walmart in North Carolina and as the picture above states…. What will they do when they are hungry?

Pictures like the one above or the need to prepare may be needed, but what does it hurt if you are not ready.  There is one organization that always is ready. They have a long tradition of answering the nations call. Their motto is Semper Paratus, which is translated to Always Ready. If they can operate that way it will not hurt us to be prepared.

Please plan on tuning in tonight at 9:00 PM on the AK4H repeater as we have our weekly rag chew about preparedness. Whether you enjoy listening on your radio, scanner, or even echolink it is a check in driven net so if you have your technician license or higher feel free to hit the PTT button. If you have not gotten your ticket yet please let us know what we can do to help.

Turkey Day Preparations!

Turkey Day Preparations

This is the time of the year that we often travel and it is important to consider your turkey day preparations. Doug posted a great article last week about a “Get Home Bag” for normal everyday use and there are some changes that may be needed this week. Perhaps you are travelling to see the family in the mountains and the winter weather moves in.

Does your  “Get Home Bag” have what you need for the wife and kids? Perhaps this time you have Duke with you and he may get hungry.  You can not just let Duke go fend for himself. You might need some food and water for him as well. Perhaps throwing a small bag of dog food may be your only extra preparation that may be need. Perhaps you need to add a few extra things.

Tim & Flynn smileI hope everyone stays safe on any travels that they may be doing. Hopefully we take the time to enjoy the extended family. If not we can always escape like Mike Baxter did with his grandson to the ham shack. Please plan on tuning in tonight at 9:00 PM on the AK4H repeater as we have our weekly rag chew about preparedness. Feel free to remind us what we might need to add to the Get Home Bag this week.

“Get Home Bag” Item suggestions

Let’s say you work in Raleigh and live in Garner. The roads are iced up and you just slid in to the ditch. You are 200th on the tow truck drivers list and all is getting worse. It might be time to begin walking home. Grab your “Get Home Bag” and start walking. Also, your bag should be comfortable with a wide shoulder strap OR backpack. It will begin to get heavy.

•Walking shoes – these may already be on your feet. They should be at least somewhat broken in so they don’t make your feet sore and extra socks would be a good idea too. Remember all those folks walking out of NYC on 911?
•ball cap
•Jacket – to knock the chill or rain off depending on season
•Gloves – work type gloves would be better in this scenario
•Knife (but this should already be in your EDC, that’s Every Day Carry)
•Multi-tool (again, you should already have this on you)
•Headlamp with spare batteries
•Dust mask or handkerchief
•Water – amount depends on your situation
•Basic blood stopper bandage
•Spare ammo (you are carrying right?)
•meal replacement bar X 2
•energy booster – 5 hour energy
•25 feet of paracord
•10 feet of duct tape