Outdoor Coax Wrap – Two Options

I bought some Coaxwrap at the last Raleigh Hamfest for a tower refurb project. I like to have extra stuff like that on hand in case of need so I got 3 rolls. This week in Walmart I saw and bought the pictured Duck brand wrap tape in the isle with duct tape, glue etc. After opening and examining both the Coaxseal and the Wrap-fix, it appears to me they are the same product with different packaging. The length, width, cardboard roller and tape itself look identical. The Coaxwrap was marked $8 at the hamfest and the Duck Brand Wrap-Fix was $5 at Walmart. I like this stuff better than the ‘tarry’ Coaxseal for sealing outdoor coax, it does the job and comes off clean if needed. Finding it at a better price and nearly universally available is good if you suddenly have a need for weather proofing a repair.



Outdoor Coax Wrap – Two Options — 1 Comment

  1. Doug,

    Can you confirm this product keeps your coaxial cables warm as the temperatures drop? I would like an alternative to bringing my co-ax inside or filling it with anti-freeze this winter.

